New Obstacle Path
Old Ballfield 2022 Course in Kapalua
The Ikaika Nui Extreme Obstacle Sprint & Relay Challenge will be held on August 20th, 2022 starting at 7:30 am in Kapalua at the XTERRA site across from DT Fleming Beach. The Challenge will consist of 12-20 obstacles and challenges on a 1 mile to 1.5 mile course. The course will consist of a quick loop trail portion, then multiple obstacles, water slide, mud, color, ice, and more in a individual sprint competition and a 2 and 4 person relay competition. We will also have a keiki mile for those under 13 years old.
Plenty of parking. We will have music, bouncy castles for the kids at the end to. This is lots of fun for the whole family. You don’t need to be in shape or experienced in anything. Just wanting to have fun!!!!!

This event is a 3k obstacle individual sprint and relay sprint challenge that is for ages 13 and up, and for any fitness level, with a youth obstacle mile for 6-12 years old. There will be 12-20 obstacles and challenges on the course sponsored by local companies, and designed by local residents that have experience in obstacle building. If you want a challenge and want to have fun, we have it for you local style. There will also be several skill challenges on the course that will test your strength, balance, precision, hand eye coordination and more!
The Ikaika Nui Extreme Obstacle Challenge is just the type of event that will bring everyone out to participate. Runners, non-runners, fitness nuts, weekend warriors who like a challenge, friends, families, and kids too, this event has something for all. Are you afraid of people seeing your time? Don’t worry. The event will not be timed. You keep your own time. All you have to do is just FINISH and have fun!!

Participants can run as individuals. Waves of 8-10 entrants will start every 5 minutes, so the course will never be overcrowded. Entry includes promotional goodies, participants medal, event t’shirt, entertainment. Snacks and beverages will be available when you come across the finish line.
Entries vary with type of entry.
*$25 for individual kids
*$30 for individual adults
*$60 for 2 person relay team
*$120 for 4 person relay team
**Prices may increase as date gets closer
Keiki starting at 7:30am
Individual adults start at 8:30am
Relays start at 10am
Parking locations-Across from DT Fleming Beach parking lot at the ball field. Watch for signs. $1 per vehicle.
Fee includes:
***8-10 individual runners per wave every few minutes.

Start time is at 7:30am with the keiki first. At 8:30am, non-timed heats will begin. 8-10 people every few minutes. Be at the site at least 30-45 minutes before start. Get your packet, sign your waivers, get your shirt and other goodies. While you are waiting for your race to go, hang out and talk story with family, friends, and enjoy some music and snacks.
-Pay attention to your foot placement.
-There is mud and you will get dirty.
-There is ice water you will crawl in. CRAWL!!!
-There are several wooden obstacles, so be aware you may get a splinter.
-Most high obstacles will have a straw landing.
-We will have nurses on the course, start line and finish line.
-We will have color on the course
-You will be carrying things
-You will be dragging things
-You will be throwing things
-There are small hills!!!!

Waivers and Forms
Want to get the jump on the competition? Print and fill out these waivers in advance of your arrival, and speed your check in! FORMS AVAILABLE SOON!!
All forms are required to be signed for admission to DT Fleming Beach park, and participation in the event. Day of sign ups is fine, but an extra fee will be incurred at this time($5 extra).